Marsupial Landscape Management Secures 5-Year Mowing Contract with Lane Cove Council

Marsupial Landscape Management is proud to announce that we have been awarded a new 5-year mowing contract with Lane Cove Council.

As a leading provider of landscape management services, we understand the vital role we play in ensuring that parks, reserves, road verges, and open spaces are safe and impeccably maintained.

This milestone achievement marks a significant opportunity for us to contribute to the maintenance and beautification of the Lane Cove area and provide welcoming spaces for the community to enjoy.

With our head office located in Lane Cove, we are delighted to have been awarded this contract and extend our thanks to Lane Cove Council for entrusting us with the opportunity to maintain the open space.

We look forward to collaborating closely with Council’s team and the community to deliver mowing services that go above and beyond expectation.

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